Liquidity risk

Definition of liquidity risk  

Liquidity risk is the risk of being unable to meet payment obligations resulting from balance sheet and off-balance sheet items held by the Bank on terms and conditions convenient for the Bank and at reasonable prices. The category of liquidity risk includes the funding liquidity risk which is the risk of losing the existing funding sources and the risk of being unable to replenish the required funding, or loss of access to new funding sources. 

Purpose of liquidity risk management 

The purpose of liquidity risk management is to ensure necessary amount of funding to meet current and future (including potential) liabilities, taking into account the specific features of the activity and the needs that may emerge as a result of changing market or macroeconomic conditions. 

Liquidity risk management process 

The Bank operates an internal liquidity adequacy assessment process (ILAAP) consisting in effective management of liquidity risk to ensure that the Bank holds stable funding and adequate liquidity buffers to meet obligations on time, including in stress conditions, and to ensure the compliance with regulatory requirements for liquidity. Through ILAAP items, the Bank defines liquidity risk tolerance, or the liquidity risk level it intends to maintain, that is coherent with the risk appetite and the overall strategy of the Bank. 

Organisation of the liquidity risk management process 

The Bank has appointed a Capital, Assets and Liabilities Management Committee (CALCO) specifically to manage assets and liabilities. The liquidity risk strategy, including the acceptable risk level, the anticipated balance sheet structure, and the funding plan are approved by the Bank’s Management Board and then accepted by the Bank’s Supervisory Board. The Treasury Department is responsible for entering into treasury interbank deals, and the transactions are settled and accounted for by the Operations Division, and the monitoring and measurement of liquidity risk is conducted at the Financial Risk Management Department. The separation of responsibilities for the management of liquidity risk is transparent and ensures the separation of responsibilities up to the Member of the Management Board level, which ensures their full operational independence. 

Measurement and assessment of liquidity risk 

Liquidity risk is measured at the Bank taking into account all significant positions – both on and off balance sheet (including, in particular, derivatives). The liquidity management metrics at the Bank include ratios and the related limits of the following liquidity types:






Liquidity risk measurement and reporting 

Alior Bank regularly monitors and reports liquidity risk metrics levels and how much the internal limits and thresholds have been utilised. 

As part of liquidity risk management, the Bank analyses the maturity profiles in a longer term, depending to a large extent on the adopted assumptions for future cash flows related to asset and liability positions. These assumptions are subject to acceptance of the CALCO Committee and of the Bank’s Management Board. 

Listing of maturities of contracted flows of assets and liabilities on the consolidated basis as at 31 December 2019 (PLN million):

31/12/2019 1D 1M 3M 6M 1Y 2Y 5Y 5Y+ RAZEM
31/12/2019 ASSETS 1D 1 730 1M 3 270 3M 2 505 6M 3 846 1Y 6 343 2Y 11 947 5Y 22 759 5Y+ 42 698 RAZEM 95 098
31/12/2019 Cash and Nostro 1D 1 357 1M 0 3M 0 6M 0 1Y 0 2Y 0 5Y 0 5Y+ 0 RAZEM 1 357
31/12/2019 Receivables from banks 1D 0 1M 73 3M 0 6M 0 1Y 0 2Y 135 5Y 0 5Y+ 0 RAZEM 208
31/12/2019 Securities 1D 373 1M 1 424 3M 2502 6M 3336 1Y 5871 2Y 9 298 5Y 16 898 5Y+ 33 381 RAZEM 73 083
31/12/2019 Receivables from customers 1D 0 1M 1 773 3M 3 6M 510 1Y 472 2Y 2 514 5Y 5 861 5Y+ 5 816 RAZEM 16 949
31/12/2019 Other assets 1D 0 1M 0 3M 0 6M 0 1Y 0 2Y 0 5Y 0 5Y+ 3 501 RAZEM 3 501
31/12/2019 Liabilities and equity 1D -46 201 1M -5 111 3M -4 742 6M -3 939 1Y -5 436 2Y -2 720 5Y -1 457 5Y+ -7 717 RAZEM -77 323
31/12/2019 Owed to banks 1D -278 1M -117 3M -31 6M -41 1Y -65 2Y -116 5Y -172 5Y+ -79 RAZEM -899
31/12/2019 Owed to customers 1D -44 122 1M -4 921 3M -4 556 6M -3 939 1Y -4 011 2Y -1 106 5Y -342 5Y+ -26 RAZEM -62 653
31/12/2019 Own issues 1D 0 1M -67 3M -126 6M -285 1Y -1 272 2Y -1 394 5Y -826 5Y+ -793 RAZEM -4 763
31/12/2019 Shareholders’ equity 1D 0 1M -6 3M -12 6M -18 1Y -36 2Y 0 5Y 0 5Y+ -6 687 RAZEM -6 759
31/12/2019 Other liabilities 1D -1 801 1M 0 3M -17 6M -26 1Y -52 2Y -104 5Y -117 5Y+ -132 RAZEM -2 249
31/12/2019 Balance sheet gap 1D -44 471 1M -1 841 3M -2 237 6M -93 1Y 907 2Y 9 227 5Y 21 302 5Y+ 34 981 RAZEM 1777
31/12/2019 Accumulated balance sheet gap 1D -44 471 1M -46 312 3M -48 549 6M -48 642 1Y -47 735 2Y -38 508 5Y -17 206 5Y+ 17775 RAZEM
31/12/2019 Derivatives – inflows 1D 0 1M 7 978 3M 2 077 6M 748 1Y 344 2Y 761 5Y 285 5Y+ 43 RAZEM 12 236
31/12/2019 Derivatives – outflows 1D 0 1M -7 956 3M -2 084 6M -744 1Y -344 2Y -774 5Y -289 5Y+ -42 RAZEM -12 233
31/12/2019 Derivatives – net 1D 0 1M 22 3M -7 6M 4 1Y 0 2Y -13 5Y -4 5Y+ 1 RAZEM 3
31/12/2019 Guarantee and financial lines 1D -8 627 1M 0 3M 0 6M 0 1Y 0 2Y 0 5Y 0 5Y+ 0 RAZEM -8 627
31/12/2019 Off balance sheet gap 1D -8 627 1M 22 3M -7 6M 4 1Y 0 2Y -13 5Y -4 5Y+ 1 RAZEM -8 624
31/12/2019 Gap, total 1D -53 098 1M -1 819 3M -2 244 6M -89 1Y 907 2Y 9 214 5Y 21 298 5Y+ 34 982 RAZEM 9 151
31/12/2019 Accumulated gap, total 1D -53 098 1M -54 917 3M -57 161 6M -57 250 1Y -56 343 2Y -47 129 5Y -25 831 5Y+ 9 151 RAZEM

The Bank maintains a high liquidity buffer by investing in government and commercial debt securities of the highest ranking that can be quickly liquidated, by keeping funds on the current account at NBP and in other banks (nostro accounts), by keeping cash at the Bank’s cash desks, and by investing the funds in interbank deposits, within the established limits. The adequacy of the liquidity buffer is controlled by comparing it with the established minimum liquidity buffer necessary to survive a stress scenario for up to and including 7 days and for 30 days.

As at 31 December 2019, the total liquidity buffer was PLN 14,295 million as compared to a minimum level of PLN 11,398 million under the shock scenario. To calculate the liquidity buffer, the Bank uses appropriate reductions of particular components of that buffer to take into account market liquidity risk (product).

The main source of funding of the Banks activities, including the liquid assets portfolio, are funds acquired from the deposit base whose level as at the end of 2019 was about 86% of total liabilities.

In addition, the Bank conducts liquidity stress tests taking into account an internal, external, and mixed crisis, including it prepares a plan of acquisition of funds in emergency situations, as well as it defines and verifies the rules for the sale of liquid assets, taking into account the cost of maintaining liquidity.

Under resolution 386/2008 of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority of 17 December 2008, the Bank establishes and reports on a daily basis:

  • rate of coverage of illiquid assets with own funds, 
  • rate of coverage of illiquid or restricted-liquidity assets with own funds and stable third-party funds. 

These ratios as at 31 December 2019 were, respectively: 3.68 and 1.18.

As required by the above-mentioned Resolution, the Bank conducts a deepened analysis of long-term liquidity, stability and structure of funding sources, taking into account the level of core deposits and concentration of term and current deposits. In addition, the Bank monitors the volatility of on-balance-sheet and off-balance-sheet items, in particular the projected inflows due to credit lines and guarantees provided to customers.

In addition, under Regulation No 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) of 26 June 2013 on prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms (Capital Requirements Regulation – CRR), the Bank monitors and maintains on an adequate level the Liquidity Coverage Ratio – LCR. As at 31 December 2019, LCR for the Group was 148% as compared to the required 100%.

Management of liquidity risk at the Bank’s foreign Branch

In 2019, Alior Bank S.A. held one foreign branch, in Romania, which conducted deposit and credit activity. The Branch is to conduct credit activity with the funding received from Alior Bank S.A. and from the funding acquired in the local market. The Branch’s liquidity level is monitored on an ongoing basis by dedicated organisational units of the Branch and of the Bank’s Headquarters.