About this Report

The above statement on non-financial information of Alior Bank S.A. as a parent company and its subsidiaries was prepared in compliance with the regulatory requirement for public-interest institutions under the amended Accounting Act. Alior Bank Group was covered with the regulatory requirement on the unit (Alior Bank) and consolidated levels.

This statement presents the underlying management, policies and procedures of due care applicable at the Group and its subsidiaries in 2019. The most important performance indicators are presented for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2019.

These statement was developed with reference to the International Non-Financial Reporting Standard.

Requirements of the Accounting Act for disclosure of non-financial data

Description of the entity’s business model and key performance indicators Yes
Description of the management of the risks identified as major risks Yes
Description of policies, procedures of due care and performance indicators related to the entity’s activity for anti-corruption measures Yes
Description of policies, procedures of due care and performance indicators related to the topics important for the Bank in terms of relationships with customers, quality of service, dialogue, responsible sales, and data and transaction security Yes
Description of policies, procedures of due care and performance indicators related to the entity’s activity for employment topics Yes
Description of policies, procedures of due care and performance indicators related to the entity’s activity for respect of human rights Yes