Alior Bank’s business activity

Alior Bank is a universal commercial bank providing its services to private individuals, corporations and other entities being domestic or foreign residents. The main operations of the Bank include the keeping of bank accounts, providing loans and advances, issuing bank securities and purchasing and selling foreign exchange. The Bank also pursues brokerage, financial advisory and intermediation services, underwriting of the issuance of corporate bonds, and providing other financial services.

Alior Bank provides its services mainly to customers from Poland. The share of foreign customers of the Bank’s total customer base is negligible. A foreign branch of Alior Bank in Romania has been operating since 2016.

The Bank’s activity is conducted through various divisions offering specific products and services addressed to particular market segments. The Bank currently operates in the following industry segments:

Retail Customers

(retail segment)

Business customers

(business segment)

Treasury activity

Detailed information on the Bank’s business segments is presented in Consolidated Financial Statements of Alior Bank Group for the year ended 31 December 2019 (Note 5).