Major events post balance-sheet date

Changes to the Management Board of the Bank  

On 17 January 2020, Mr Mateusz Poznański – Vice-President of the Management Board of the Bank resigned as Member of the Management Board of Alior Bank S.A. with effect from 29 February 2020. 

Extension of licence for the Bank using the AMA approach 

On 30 January 2020, the Bank was granted by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority a consent for the removal of the lower limit for the application of the advanced method (AMA) in the operating risk area. 

The KNF’s position demonstrates that the Bank has met all requirements under the CRR Regulation in the areas mentioned in the KNF decision for the AMA approach of 14 February 2019. 

Engrossed in

Reading Benches

Engrossed in Reading Benches (Zaczytane Ławki) are urban furniture in the shape of open books which raise interest in reading, inspire and educate. Each bench has a QR code which allows to download books in electronic form free of charge. The benches make a Poland tour of Engrossed in Reading Benches exhibitions, which are accompanied by reading events with the participation of Foundation Ambassadors (actors, musicians, artists).

Engrossed in

Reading Benches

In 2019, 12 new Engrossed in Reading Benches were created, including 3 sponsored by Alior Bank – these Alior Bank’s 3 benches attracted an audience of 13.5 million.