Employment – who are our employees?
At the end of 2019, Alior Bank Group held 8143 FTEs. The largest number of our employees work at Alior Bank – 7624 FTEs. In terms of headcount, Alior Bank S.A. ranks fifth among ten biggest banks in Poland.
Alior Bank’s employees by type of employment
Male | Female | |||
Open-ended contract of employment | Male | 2299 | 4057 | |
Contract for a definite time | Male | 566 | 854 | |
Trial contract of employment | Male | 61 | 64 | |
Replacement contract | Male | 18 | 26 |
Alior Bank’s employees by working time
Male | Female | |||
Full-time | Male | 2766 | 4593 | |
Half-time or more | Male | 48 | 266 | |
Less than half-time | Male | 130 | 142 |
Alior Bank’s employees by age
Male | Female | |||
<30 | Male | 785 | 1246 | |
30-50 | Male | 1991 | 3493 | |
>50 | Male | 168 | 262 |
Alior Bank’s employees by structure
Male | Female | |||
Management Board members* | Male | 7 | 1 | |
Managers | Male | 282 | 542 | |
Other | Male | 2662 | 4459 |
*Members of the Management Board are listed only in the Alior Bank Employees table by structure. Tables regarding the type of contract, full-time employment, and age do not include Management Board Members.
Implementation of the „Digital disruptor” strategy at Alior Bank requires adaptation of our employees and changes in personnel policy. We know that, to effectively and security transfer our customers from the analogue to digital world we also need to undertake cultural transformation inside our Bank. Only in this way will we be able to achieve our strategic goals by 2020.
Four priorities for HR development for 2017-2020 covered by Alior Bank’s business strategy are the following:
- Develop Transformational Leaders;
- Nurture Employee experience;
- Develop Digital Alior People;
- Support the development of ethical and effective organisational culture.
Changes at Alior Bank require new-generation leaders. In implementing our strategy, we put strong emphasis on the role of managers who, as organisational leaders, should be not only effective but also should inspire the employees, get them involved and be ambassadors of Alior Bank’s values – ethical attitudes, simplicity, agility and teamwork.
We have developed our unique leadership model taking into account Alior Bank’s challenges. A leader at our Bank should be a person who:
- Sets out involving goals which are linked to Alior Bank’s strategy and explains how they contribute to progressing the strategy. In communicating these goals, he or she demonstrates their meaning by referring to Alior Bank’s values and to the customer perspective;
- Leaves autonomy in choosing the method by which to achieve these goals. Shows trust and respect, and acknowledges individual input of each employee in progressing Alior Bank goals;
- Supports the development, and encourages employees to take responsibility for their development. Inspires and supports employees in development and measures taken by them, and takes into consideration their professional aspirations;
- Carries forward four values of Alior Bank Group – conducts fairly in in-house relations and towards the customer, takes responsibility for the achievement of Alior Bank’s goals, and adapts the priorities of his/her team to the organisation’s strategy. Acts according to the rule: „we are all on the same team”. In his/her activities, he/she focuses on what actually builds value for the customer, promoting simple and effective solutions. Promptly responds to changing circumstances and efficiently implements any necessary solutions.
Measure that we have taken as part of Leader transformation:
- T-LAB – programme dedicated to B-2 directors and managers, whose main idea is to build transformation leadership;
- Transformation Ambassadors – workshops for directors who are ambassadors of the idea of transformation leadership;
- Manager’s Toolkit – a package of training courses for directors, managers and leaders at Alior Bank.
These are Job Rules & Regulations which defines the internal order and organisation at Alior Bank and defines the rights and duties of both employees and the employer related to the job process. The document is available to all employees of the Bank, and any modifications are communicated to the employees as soon as they are made.
In the Bank, OSH tasks are carried out in accordance with current legislation in this regard. These regulations commit us to applying broad accident prevention and conduct periodic OSH training for the required groups of employees. Employees who start the job complete initial training which is to build the awareness of safe behaviour at the workplace. To furnish employees with practical skills of providing pre-medical aid, training courses are organised which allow them to acquire the appropriate skills.
We have been constantly improving the working environment and conditions at our Bank. We have carried forward the „smartphonisation” project implemented in the prior year whose purpose is to equip the employees which modern phones to enable them remote working. A vast majority of the Bank’s employees have an iPhone.
We take care that our employees have access to the latest news on the Bank and employment affairs. With this in mind, we have developed Kompas, a employees portal.It’s a tool which has capabilities similar to those which we all know from social media. Kompas publishes daily news which makes everyone have access to the latest information. Kompas also provides for efficient communication between employees (through a chat service), allows the employees to develop their own profiles, create social groups which promote integration and at the same time support project work. Kompas is also available on each business phone of employees. Kompas provides for convenient conduct of e-learning training, and employees define their annual goals in it (periodic assessment). We will continue developing this tool through 2020.
What is very important is also that, at Alior Bank, we take effort to introduce new, agile working methods. For instance, project groups are organised which combine many competences in one place – business, analytical, programming and testing capacities – necessary for carrying out the respective project. The main advantage of such approach is shortening the communication path which enables agile acting and prompt responding to changing requirements or technology.
Each time, we survey the involvement of our employees at all our units. Based on the outcomes, we initiate measures focused on increasing the involvement and bringing improvement in key areas.
In 2019, we achieved the involvement indicator at 48%.
As many as 79% of our employees took part in the survey.
Compared to the outcomes of the prior survey, the Bank’s employees have noted improvement in working conditions and in opportunities to perform ambitious tasks – 62% (1 pp increase on 2018). Employees feel supported if they are well adapted to their jobs and roles and can work in conditions conducive to demonstrating their potential.
All Alior Bank’s employees can use many attractive benefits (including corporate life insurance and a rich package of medical care) as well as a broad offer of the Company Social Benefit Fund which organises events which have become the Bank’s tradition, such as sporting competition or family picnics.
In 2019, 12 types of benefits were available under the Company Social Benefit Fund, which were used more than 35,000 times. It means that an average of more than 4 benefits per employee with children were provided.
Most popular among employees were multisport cards, used by 6000 individuals, and slightly less than that, 5995 employees, received multi-tickets. Christmas gifts were given to 5095 children and more than 5000 employees and more than 4000 of their children used the holiday allowance. „Layette” for newborn babies went to the children of 512 Alior’s employees. Non-repayable aid were received by 249 people and 163 people received advances for home redecoration.
In June 2019, in the three locations which have the largest number of the Bank’s employees, i.e., in Krakow, Warsaw and Gdansk, picnics were held, to which Alior’s employees with families were invited. They were an excellent opportunity to better know each other and build teams by a table and sporting games, also for the employees of Alior Bank’s distributed sales network in these regions. As many as 2247 people used this form of activity in 2019.
As part of support to sporting initiatives, 13 sporting sections associating Alior’s employees, and in September a sporting contest were held, attended by 584 people from the Bank who competed in sporting events, both for teams and for individuals.
Alior Bank also provides its employees with opportunity to meet in less formal settings and each year assigns funding for integration events.
Alior Bank keeps an Assistance Fund which provides non-repayable financial aid to Bank’s employees and their families who found themselves in particularly precarious circumstances.In 2019, PLN 230,300 were disbursed from the fund, including monthly pensions for 15 children of deceased employees and two allowances.
Under the Employee Capital Plan Act of 4 October 2018 (Journal of Laws 2018, item 2215) employee capital plans were introduced to Alior Bank’s companies and to Alior Leasing in 2019. The implementation was conducted in accordance with the Legislator’s guidelines, i.e., a number of communication and training activities for employees, and in collaboration with trade unions. The information analysed in the first half of January 2020 (i.e., taking into account employee contributions in December 2019) show that 3857 individuals used the programme at the Bank, which is 48% of the PPK eligible individuals.
Rules and Regulation of the Alior Bank Employee Aid Fund
The purpose of the Fund is to provide non-repayable financial aid to Bank’s employees and their families who found themselves in particularly precarious circumstances. These funds are assigned for financial aid in connection with the loss of health due to serious disease and accidents, for family members in the event of death of a Bank’s employee, in the event of a loss of entire or a significant part of the assets due to fortuitous events. The aid is provided against an application with grounds. The decision to provide aid is taken by the President of the Management Board or his/her authorised representative. In 2019, monthly pensions were disbursed for 15 children of employees who died and two individual allowances.
Diversity management
Alior Bank S.A. does not hold any developed and formally approved by the Company’s authorities diversity policy valid throughout the entire organisation. However, the Bank has for a number of years taken into account in its HR policy some elements of the diversity policy mindful that the value derived from differences are an additional asset of our organisation.
Since June 2018, the Bank has had in place a Policy of Working Environment Free from Undesirable Behaviours, which delivers, among other things, the Employer’s duty to prevent and counteract undesirable behaviour in job relations, in particular: discrimination, mobbing, humiliation, sexual harassment. After slightly more than 1.5 years of having this Policy in place, a team of in-house experts reviewed the performance of the Policy both in quantitative and qualitative terms. Based on the analysis, recommendations were work out which were presented to the Management Board of the Bank and received the required acceptances. As a result, they will be fully put in place in the initial months of 2020.
The Bank provides working conditions which are conducive to full tapping and developing of unique traits, skills and interests of all employees, including the managerial staff, including through participation in training.
Since mid-2018, the Bank has had in place a Policy of Working Environment Free from Undesirable Behaviours, which delivers, among other things, the Employer’s duty to prevent and counteract undesirable behaviour in job relations, in particular: discrimination, mobbing, humiliation, sexual harassment. A team of in-house experts keep reviewing the compliance with legislation and the performance of the Policy, making updates, the most recent being in the last quarter of 2019.
Processes related to candidate selection are based on objective grounds and their respective stages follow established patterns and rules. Adopted internal rules for task performance in the field of occupational health and safety as well as technological and technical solution standards result in undertaking necessary actions to adapt a workplace for persons with disabilities. Alior Bank requires mutual respect from all employees, regardless of their position, and does not accept any form of discrimination. The Bank’s internal regulations, i.e. Code of Ethics and Work Regulations, comprise relevant provisions, including anti-discrimination ones, compliant with the Labour Code.
Since June 2018, Alior Bank has had in place the Policy of Deterring Undesirable Behaviour, which applies to all Alior Bank Employees and delivers the employer’s duty to prevent and deter undesirable behaviour in job relations, in particular to counteract: discrimination, mobbing, pestering and sexual harassment. As part of this Policy and joined actions of Compliance and HR units, the Bank has provided all employees with a mandatory training related to work environment free from undesirable behaviour. The Bank employees are trained also as regards standards of customer service culture in the case of persons with disabilities. The Bank headquarters located in Warsaw, Gdańsk and Kraków have lifts and sanitary facilities adapted for persons with disabilities. In our branches around the country, we facilitate access for disabled customers (who must use wheelchairs) for instance through platform lifts installed.
Composition of employees, by job level and sex
Middle staff
Senior managers
Management Board
We want to attract best specialists and market experts to work with Alior Bank. That is why we offer to our staff attractive pay, which is governed by the Pay Policy, which has the following objectives, among others:
- promote proper and effective risk management and discourages from taking excessive risks;
- promote the strategy for sustainable development and prudent risk management policy;
- mitigate conflict of interest;
- allow us to maintain transparent relationship between individual results and individual pay by focusing on goals linked to responsibilities and actual influence;
- ensure that the Bank’s staff act in the best interests of their customers, including provide them with clear and transparent information on services and products offered by the Bank.
All Group companies employing more than ten people have a Pay Policy / Rules in place. Such Policy has been implemented in four largest Alior Bank Group companies, i.e., Alior Bank S.A., Alior Leasing Sp. z o.o., Serwis Ubezpieczeniowy Sp. z o.o. and Alior TFI S.A.
In 2019, based on analysis that were conducted, a process was designed which will be rolled out at the Bank in 2020. Its purpose is to build competitive market advantage by ensuring an attractive, comprehensive Employer Value Proposition (EVP) and a seamless interface of the employed person with the main processes of the Bank and its products, in order to build higher involvement and willingness to recommending Alior as a Bank and as an employer. EVP is a vision of adequate proposition for adequate target groups. 12 workshops were held in the process, which involved about 170 staff of the Bank.
Pay of the lowest job level as compared to minimum wages (PLN 2250 gross), by age
We constantly take care to develop our staff competencies. Our development policy provides all Alior Bank’s staff with opportunities of specialising as experts in the selected field, by being able to develop their own competences resulting from their job responsibilities, as well and their aspirations and team management skills. The management system and the new development model that we have rolled out allow us to effectively guide specialists and dynamically develop their careers. We have made available to our staff a gamut of training programmes led both by in-house and third-party coaches. Our proposition encompasses training on products, sales and quality of service, interpersonal skills and management skills.
In 2019, the average number of training days per Labour-Code employee was 2.8 days, which, taking into account the scale of employment, results in almost 180,000 training hours delivered at the Bank.
The Bank also keeps training analytics of managerial jobs and 1484 training days where delivered in this respect in 2019, involving a total of 628 managers. Since the first day of employment, we take effort to equip the new employee with knowledge necessary to delivering the responsibilities assigned to his or her job. Newly employed people are sent to orientation training, which is in part the same for each member of the organisation (welcome day), and further dependent on the specific features of the job and his/her role in the organisation, with particular consideration of his/her place in the Service Network.
During the calendar year, a number of training sessions and workshops were held, during which the participants were able to deepen their knowledge on the products and services offered by the Bank, as well as to make progress in the achievement of any development goals set out for them by their superior in areas related to soft skills, which are available as part of the Future Competences Academy.
Regarding the activities available as part of the Future Competences Academy, in addition to training delivered at the Bank by in-house coaches, the staff could also use the experience of selected third-party companies. The activities included the skills covered by Alior Bank’s business strategy: development of Digital Alior People (application training on Excel, VBA, SQL, training on new technologies), focus on Customer and Employee experience (Design Thinking, LEAN workshops, creative thinking training), as well as consistent with the building of ethical and effective organisational culture (social intelligence, inter-generational breaches, personality types, volunteering activities). Alior is intensively involved in volunteering activities, which is demonstrated by the number of people involved in such activities – almost 560 employees in 2019. Seventy-seven events were held in 2019. This makes up a total of almost 3600 hours, of which about 57% are working hours and about 43% – the hours worked in the employee’s free time.
In 2019, we continued the part of the Future Competences Academy devoted to well-being, as part of which, in addition to relaxation workshops, we offered to those interested yoga sessions and healthy spine sessions at each of our main office locations.
Carrying forward best practice from prior years, in 2019, we took care to ensure internal transfer of knowledge by continuing our “Share Your Know-How” programme, under which experienced staff, supported by the Talent Development Department, shared their know-how with those willing to get that knowledge.
A factor which influences employees development are measures agreed with the direct supervisor who, as part of the budget assigned to him/her, has as his/her disposal funding for training and development for his/her staff. Due to such management, in keeping with the principles of agility and simplicity, Department employees can propose training initiatives themselves. Such development applies to the areas:
- which require expert skills (e.g., topics related to strategy, management of IT architecture, physical and electronic security, programming languages);
- of a changing environment, yet effective and quality work (applications, languages, interpersonal skills training).
Under that programme, the employee may apply for employer’s participation in the education costs, e.g. postgraduate studies.
These documents define the overall orientation of the organisation and determine the rules to be applied by particular companies in the respective thematic areas.
Regarding community, employment and environmental topics, in 2019 the Bank has implemented a Policy for training and certification of knowledge and competencies of the individuals who are to carry out at Alior Bank the activities mentioned in Article 82a(1)(1) or (2) of the Trading in Financial Instruments Act (M Training Policy). Holiday Allowance Payment Rules were implemented at Alior Services sp. z o.o. In the same year, in NewCommerce sp. z o.o. detailed OSH rules were implemented that define security requirements for the organisation and doing of work on electronic equipment, and Assessment of Occupational Hazards at NCS Positions, identifying new hazards and providing for a correction of measures to prevent the already existing hazards. A Code of Ethics was implemented in 2019 both at NewCommerce sp. z o.o., and at Serwis Ubezpieczeniowy sp. z o.o.