Alior Bank Group and its parent company – Alior Bank S.A.
Who we are
Alior Bank is one of the fastest growing banks in Poland. It’s the first start-up bank which from the very beginning of its activity has been committed to innovation and trend-setting in online banking in the Polish market.
It’s a leader of modern banking based on pioneering technology solutions. It uses blockchain, open banking, artificial intelligence and biometrics while courageously and always successfully delivering its innovative ideas. Alior Bank has been the first bank in Poland to create a fully online Currency Exchange Bureau. Alior Bank is also responsible for launching Poland’s first video verification of setting up personal accounts.
Key figures – place of Alior Bank among the biggest banks in Poland
The activity of the Alior Bank Group extends to different, albeit interlinked segments. It is closely related to the activity of Group companies. In addition to banking, the Group is active in, among others: leasing, insurance brokerage, asset management, searching for and attracting third parties to collaborate in offering non-banking services, services in online technology.
We have offered our banking products and services through a network of our own outlets, through partners and financial intermediaries and distribution channels based on our IT platform comprising: online banking, mobile banking and call centres. Support to the distribution network is provided by service points which offer our products under the brand: T-Mobile Banking Services delivered by Alior Bank.
Alior Bank’s products and services
Alior Bank is a public company. Since December 2012, our shares have been listed at the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) – the initial public offering (IPO) for PLN 2.1 billion was the biggest offering of a private company in the history of WSE. Since 2014, Alior Bank’s shares are part of the WIG20 index. Our shareholders are Polish and international investors.
Alior Bank’s Headquarters are in Warsaw, but we operate nation-wide. At the end of December 2019, Alior Bank held 820 outlets (197 traditional branches, 7 Private Banking branches, 8 Corporate Centers and 608 franchise branches).
Alior Bank S.A., in collaboration with Telekom Romania, a Deutsche Telekom Group company, has started commercial activity in the Romanian market in October 2017. Currently, the collaboration between Alior Bank and Telekom Romania is the only one between such large and significant entities in the financial and telecom sectors in the Romanian market. The „Telekom Banking” brand has become increasingly recognisable by customers as a modern bank focused on offering innovative products and services. There are many processes today which require no customer visit to the outlets (signing a contract, opening the personal account), which is very well received by the market. The synergy achieved between the companies allows us to reach a broad group of customers in Telekom’s points of sale (POS) and through the network of our own outlets (SIS), as well as highly appreciated mobile and online apps. The Branch is also involved in the activities of non-governmental organisations. In December 2019, a Christmas Fair was held, and the funds collected from that event supported the activity of the NGO „Ana and Children” whose mission is to prevent social exclusion of children from dysfunctional.
Our business strategy
Since 2017, we have been delivering a „Digital disruptor” Strategy whose overriding business goal is to maintain the position of innovation leader in Poland and being among the most innovative banks in Europe. To increase customer comfort and convenience, we have developed our flexible products and digitalised and simplified processes both in the consumer and business segments. In 2019, we have delivered a number of projects bringing us closer to the achievement of our goals.
Delivery of the „Digital disruptor” Strategy in 2019
In 2019, Alior Bank continued delivering its 2017-2020 „Digital disruptor” Strategy, adapting it to the changing environment and complex customer demand. The project map was focused on delivering projects under six key streams:
- Retail banking;
- Corporate banking;
- Operations and back-office;
- Innovation and fintechs;
- HR transformation;
- IT transformation.
Open Banking and Customer-Centric Approach were the areas supporting the key streams.
“Digital disruptor” strategic stream |
Key activities |
Description | ||
“Digital disruptor” strategic stream |
Ratail banking | Key activities | Development of Konto Jakże Osobiste account | We have developed the package of benefits available under the Konto Jakże Osobiste (“How Personal”) account At the end of 2019, our customers could flexibly select and replace extra benefits from among ten benefits offered by the Bank. In 2019, we have provided access to preferential payment terms abroad in foreign currencies. Our customers have been able to choose the currency and change it from the level of the new online and mobile banking. |
Integrated contract | We have implemented an integrated contract for bank account, debit card and savings account under a single application form, both online and in branches. | |||
Modern and environment-friendly branches | In December 2019, we presented the first branch in a new format. The outlet stands out with its new design and new technologies. The role of the new branch is above all to provide comfort and privacy to customers and working comfort to the banker.We used materials and products from local suppliers in the branch. In large part, these are recycled materials. | |||
“Digital disruptor” strategic stream |
Corporate banking | Key activities | Virtual card | Customers from the business segment have been provided with access to new products such as virtual card which enables businesses to manage significant volumes of online payments. |
New loan origination system | We have implemented a new loan origination system for the business customer segment which enables us to take swift loan decisions. In addition, businesses from the SME segment can now apply for a funding facility up to PLN 3 million under a single automated loan decision. The Bank has simplified the process and reduced loan decision waiting time even down to 20 minutes. This process can even be delivered on the banker’s tablet at the company’s offices. | |||
Development of | We have implemented new solutions on the portal. The loan calculator and EU funding search engine allows us to initially verify the company’s credit rating and search for crucial information on the funding aid of interest to the company quickly and easily. | |||
“Digital disruptor” strategic stream |
Digitalisation | Key activities | Customer migration to Alior Mobile and Online | We have accomplished full migration of consumers from the micro-enterprise segment to the new online (Alior Online) and mobile (Alior Mobile) banking. |
Development of Consumer Finance customer relations | Customers using hire-purchase loans have been provided with automated access to online and mobile banking. | |||
Development of the Kantor Walutowy app | We have made available a new Kantor Walutowy (Currency Exchange Bureau) app, both in the www and mobile versions. The app has been furnished with extra functions, and the Currency Exchange Bureau’s product range has been expanded to include a multi-currency card with the possibility of making payments in 23 currencies. In addition, work has been started to develop modern methods for customer identification and the onboarding process in digital channels. | |||
“Digital disruptor” strategic stream |
Operations and back-office | Key activities | Process robotisation | We digitalised not only operating and collection processes, but also sales network processes, such as: direct, online, telephone sales, Consumer Finance, as well as Brokerage, HR and Audit. A total of 100 robots have been released for production since the beginning of the project.. In 2019 alone, 61 robots were successfully released as part of new technology. |
Automation of email contacts | We have implemented a pilot system to automate customer email contacts. This solution was developed together with a startup from the RBL_Start acceleration programme. | |||
“Digital disruptor” strategic stream |
Open banking | Key activities | The TPP status and simplified loan origination process | Alior Bank was granted the approval of the Polish financial regulator KNF for acting as a TPP (Third Party Provider). This will enable us to further simplify our processes and to adapt even better our offering to customer requirements, among other things. Already in 2019, a new loan origination process has been launched, based on access to the customer account history in another bank without the need for them to provide their income certificates. |
“Digital disruptor” strategic stream |
Innovation and fintechs | Key activities | CASH Platform | PZU SA and Alior Bank have launched an innovative online platform called CASH, through which employees will be provided with swift access to cheap and safe advances. Using this facility, employers will be able to offer extra benefits to their employees. |
Four pilot projects in the second edition of the RBL_START programme | Four pilot projects were launched as a result of the second edition of the RBL_START accelerator. The selected solutions included, among other things, data integration and analysis, and development of banking products on third-party platforms. | |||
Use of public blockchain to verify documents | Alior Bank has been the first bank in Poland to use the public blockchain. We have also made available our platform with banking documents whose authenticity can be verified using the Ethereum public blockchain network. The application of the public blockchains allows us to maintain complete transparency. | |||
“Digital disruptor” strategic stream |
HR transformation | Key activities | Digital collaboration toolkit | We have delivered a number of initiatives under or Cultural Transformation Programme which have significantly improved the involvement of the Bank’s employees. The most important of them include, in particular: successful completion of a pilot project for hybrid application of collaboration cloud, providing solutions which enable remote working from anywhere, and the development of KOMPAS, an in-house employee portal (including e-learning, periodic assessment, annual targets). |
Expansion of work under the Agilor agile methodology | This strategy could be delivered owing to the application of the Agilor proprietary production method (adaptation of Agile best practices to the specifics of Alior’s operations). Currently, more than 200 people work under the agile model (called Tribes) both from business units and from the IT in four business areas: Consumer Loans, Consumer Finance, Operations and Backoffice, and Monitoring and Collection. | |||
Microservices | We have been developing a modern architecture based on microservices, which will enable us to further reduce Time-2-Market and improve the Bank’s performance. |
Delivery of new products to customers, high quality of service, agile use of current technologies, and efficient operations provide the basis for continued growth of Alior Bank in the perspective of the newStrategy for 2020-2022.
Our relations
Friendly and effective communication with Customers is a key element of our information policy. We formulate our information in a straightforward and understandable way. In parallel, to ensure the best possible recognition of the needs and problems of our customers, we have conducted among them regular satisfaction surveys using the NPS indicator.
We also take care to maintain confidentiality of communication. In providing data which are covered by banking confidentiality, we always exercise the highest standard of care to provide such information, in keeping with strict security standards.
We also care for regular, timely and effective communication with the participants of the capital market. As a public company, we have been taking measures to meet stakeholder information needs, caring for universal and equal access to information, in accordance with the highest market standards and applicable legislation.
Our stakeholders
Activities related to the fulfilment of information obligations by the Bank and maintaining appropriate relations with investors and analysts are carried out by the Investor Relations Department. Main activities of the Department aim at ensuring permanent, equal and immediate access to information on all major events concerning the Bank which have or may have impact on the value of its shares. The Investor Relations Department organises regular meetings of the Management Board of the Bank with market actors. Such meetings address current financial and operating standing of Alior Bank, and present its operating strategy and projected paths of development. In addition to the topics mentioned above, these meetings address topics related to the current macroeconomic situation, general condition of the financial sector, and the Bank’s competitive environment.
The quality of collaboration and service of the internal customer is monitored through regular internal NPS surveys of the selected organisational units.In 2019, the survey covered a total of 11 departments. The results of these surveys provide valuable source of knowledge for the surveyed units and allow us to better adapt the operations of the units to the reported needs.
In Alior Bank, we have kept constant dialogue with employees. We have used for this purpose the most popular and most effective communication tools. These include, among others, meetings, emails, posters, stickers, competitions and films. Each employee receives every week newsletters with news useful in their daily work („HR News”) and news related to the delivery of the strategy, new products and achievements of the Bank („Digital disruptor”). We have collected on an ongoing basis, through questionnaires, feedback on employee satisfaction level with the newsletters they receive.
It has functionalities known from popular social media and news portals. It allows our staff to freely share information with others, set up discussion groups or comment and „like” the posts. „Kompas” has been developed with a view to establishing a full-fledged portal with all staff processes, we already have electronic training together with IDD, MBO, 360 assessment, applications for funding, and in 2020 new functionalities will be launched on the portal. We will also deliver a new mobile app with a chatting facility which facilitates communication between employees.
Five trade unions operate in Alior Bank, which represent employee interests towards the Bank resulting from the Labour Code.The Bank holds regularly, i.e. each month, meetings with representatives of trade unions which discuss, among others, the most important topics related to the Bank’s activities. Regular meetings between trade unions and members of the Management Board and the President of Alior Bank are also held.
In 2019, the key topics undertaken with trade unions were negotiations of the collective bargaining agreement, and these works are still ongoing. In 2019, a collective dispute was initiated against the Bank by some trade union organizations. In February 2020, the dispute was completed by signing the contract, the combination of functions is the implementation of a minimum wage at the Bank.
The Bank supports social dialogue with staff representatives and respects the rights of trade unions. Outside of Alior Bank, but within the Group, there is another trade union which similarly supports the staff of Alior Leasing company.
Alior Bank has regularly held satisfaction surveys regarding employee benefits. An important source of feedback from employees is the annual involvement survey, in which employees answer several dozens of questions concerning their work at our Bank.
Selected organisations of which Alior Bank was member in 2019
Polish Bank Association
Banking Cybersecurity Centre
Bank Security Council
Banking Register of IT Security Incidents
ACI Poland
Polish Factors Association
Banking Consumer Arbitration
System for the Analysis of Property Financing Market
Electronic Economy Chamber
Committee on Financial Services Quality
Pracodawcy RP
Council of Depositary banks
Single Euro Payments Area Secretariat
Banking Ethics Commission
Electronic Banking Council
In 2019, collaboration with the existing strategic partners of the Bank – in particular with PZU Group, Lotos or Mastercard was further strengthened, new strategic partnerships were established, and completely new cooperation areas were developed under the existing partnerships – including with PZU Group, Innergo Systems (Apple Premium Reseller), or Booking Holding. A number of other initiatives and arrangements with new partners are ongoing, and we will ascertain their effects in 2020.
The bank opens up to new partners who want to establish and set trends in the market. These partnerships have the potential of bringing tangible benefits to Customers, the Partner and the Bank. Strategic partnerships allow us to expand the product range offered by the Bank, open up new sales and service channels, expand the base of potential customers which we can reach, acquire new customers or support the building of the main relationship of the customer with the Bank, and multiply customer interfaces with the Bank.
In Alior Bank, we want to personalise more our offering for our Customers, and we are committed to building their positive experience in contacts with the Bank and the services and products we can make available to our customers. The establishment and development of partnerships is to support these processes.
Our key strategic partner is PZU Group, with which we have carried out a number of initiatives – these involve such areas as: income and cost synergies, innovation, or corporate governance. In 2019, in addition to the expansion of collaboration in already identified areas (such as bancassurance, investment products, purchasing), new collaboration areas have been opened up. In particular, we have begun intensive cooperation in the Assurbanking area, by delivering two extensive strategic projects and taking a number of other, less extensive initiatives.
Our key initiatives in the Assurbanking area:
- Cash Platform – an innovative online advance platform addressed to employers who can offer it to their employees as part of extra-payment benefits. The employee can receive funding to meet their needs with minimum formalities, quickly and conveniently, and the offering is very attractive. A pilot platform has started in September at PZU Group, and we have reported dynamic growth of loan volumes over the subsequent months. In 2020, this growth should continue – new companies will join the platform, making available the Cash offering to their staff.
- Employee Capital Plans (PPK) – in 2019, PZU signed agreements for the operation of PPKs in large establishments, encompassing a total of several thousands of people. In 2020, the number of such companies, and thus the number of employees covered, will certainly increase (the PPK offering will be addressed to new groups of entities – in particular to companies employing at least 50 people). Alior Bank has prepared for the employees of such companies an attractive offering involving various banking products. Through the PPK channel, Alior Bank has the opportunity to reach a broad spectrum of individuals who might become the Bank’s customers and may expand the range of the Bank’s products they currently use. Collaboration under PPK is also an opportunity to reach the companies themselves with an offer of products and services for business customers – offered by the Bank itself and by Alior Bank Group companies (including Alior Leasing).
Having regard to the above, the Cash platform and collaboration within the PPK will surely be the main axes of more intensive collaboration with PZU in the Assurbanking area in 2020 – contributing to the achievement of strategic goals of both organisations (PZU and the Bank). Other initiatives will be continued or established to test various options of collaboration, acquisition of new customers, generating income for both parties.
We have been constantly expanding our insurance offering, delivered in particular by PZU, available through Alior Bank’s channels – as products linked to the relevant banking products or as standalone products. We have been implementing new products, and providing the opportunity to buy insurance in new channels.
Strategic partnerships is not only PZU Group. As a Bank, we have worked with many entities in various contexts. In the business context, in 2019, we continued our work with Lotos, expanded our cooperation with Innergo Systems, established new partnerships – with, and Rentalcars, among others; we have been expanding the scope of collaboration with Mastercard, we also started negotiations with a number of other partners who will complement the Bank’s offering, open up new channels for us to reach the customer, or allow us to achieve other synergies – e.g., in the CSR area, or the acquisition, development and retention of staff.
Thus, we have started the process of establishing a broader programme, under which we will be soon able to append various partners, their offerings, products and services.
Selected partnerships (outside of the PZU Group) accomplished in 2019:
- Lotos – since November 2018 there has been collaboration with Lotos Paliwa based on Mastercard Alior Lotos credit card, which enables our customers to purchase fuels and products at service stations with a discount, and systematically increases transaction volumes of customers in the fuels industry.
Summary of cashless transaction volumes with ALIOR LOTOS BIZNES credit cards (2018-2019)
- Innergo Systems– we have expanded our strategic collaboration with Innergo Systems (Apple partner for mobile solutions for business, called Apple Authorised Enterprise Reseller). The Bank’s customers have gained access to the platform where they can buy Apple devices on special terms if they pay by instant payment, card or based on hire-purchase agreement. The promotion covered smartphones, including the newest model of iPhone (11), and other products then followed.Expansion of collaboration with Innergo Systems opens up a new area of collaboration based on successful experience from previous joint initiatives. In 2018, Alior Bank, in collaboration with Innergo Systems equipped all of its staff with smartphones. In June 2019, the smartphonisation project received the Innovation of the Month award in the Banking Innovation Awards 2019 EFMA-Accenture competition.
- i Rental Cars – nwe have established collaboration with Booking Holding, which enables Alior Bank’s customers to receive attractive offerings (cashback) for transactions completed on the platform and a discount for car rental as part of Rental Cars.
Alior Leasing Sp. z o.o.
The company Alior Leasing Sp. z o.o. was established in April 2015, and has operated since October 2015.
The company’s mission is to support the growth of businesses by providing best solutions to respond to the expectations of forward-looking companies which search for a comprehensive lease offering adapted to their individual requirements. Under the Alior Leasing offering, companies can use the most popular forms of funding of fixed assets, mainly motor vehicles, necessary for operations and growth. With products such as: operating lease, financial lease and lease loan, businesses gain easy and quick access to transport vehicles, machinery and equipment. Alior Leasing holds an extensive sales network and collaborates with a broad network of business partners, dealers and vendors, as well as with Alior Bank’s sales network. The company has worked mainly with sole traders and SMEs, but it has also large corporate customers.
Serwis Ubezpieczeniowy Sp. z o.o.
Serwis Ubezpieczeniowy Sp. z o.o is a company established in November 2016 and has operated since February 2017. Serwis Ubezpieczeniowy Sp. z o.o operates in the insurance market. The company’s object is agency activities related to insurance.
Alior Services Sp. z o.o.
Alior Services Sp. z o.o. acts as insurance agent and delivers other operational and services projects for corporate customers of Alior Bank, as well as projects expanding on the offering for Private Banking customers to strengthen our competitive position.
Alior TFI S.A.
Alior TFI S.A. was established in 2010, initially as a brokerage focused on asset management services, and since July 2015, following transformation, it has been active as Investment Fund Company.
The collaboration between Alior Bank and its subsidiary Alior TFI S.A. involves the primary object of the Company, which is the establishment and management of investment funds, and representing the same in dealing with third parties.
Absource Sp. z o.o.
Absource Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością was established on 31 March 2016.
Absource Sp. z o.o. is a company whose objects include: provision of services for information and computer technology, activities related to IT advisory, and activities related to software. Absource Sp. z o.o. focuses on the provision of computer software based on sublicensing and conducting other IT activities.
NewCommerce Services Sp. z o.o.
Bancovo has operated since March 2018, creating a new category of services in Poland: online financial intermediation. The „Bancovo” brand belongs to NewCommerce Services Sp. z o.o. The platform allows customers to compare actual loan offerings and enables them to quickly and easily get cash through the Internet (end-2-end) due to innovative solutions based on API, RPA, big data, machine learning, and supported by advanced UX. At the end of 2019, the company offered products of more than 25 financial institutions addressed to a broad range of audience, both to consumers (loans/advances), as well as to small-company owners (advances/microfactoring). In 2019, Bancovo has expanded its loan brokerage offering to include hire-purchase financing by launching collaboration in this regard with the Polish biggest consumer electronics and home appliance retailer, EURO RTV AGD. Under that solution, Bancovo provides a loan engine and aggregates the offerings of selected financial institutions, which provides paperless financing for the goods offered by the retailer chain.
The innovation and uniqueness of the Bancovo model has been recognised by awarding numerous prizes and recognitions, of which the most important are:
- Product Innovation of the Year – awarded by Retail Banker International;
- The Heart Corporate Innovation Awards 2018 in the New Digit Business category.
Meritum Services ICB S.A.
Meritum Services ICB S.A. is a company active in the provision of services for information and computer technologies, and other activities related to IT. In 2015, the company’s objects were expanded to include the activities of insurance brokers and agents, activities related to risk assessment and estimation of losses, other activities supporting insurance and pension funds. Currently, the company has derived its revenues from two primary channels:
- making available to Alior Bank S.A. software under the Software as a Service (SaaS) model – about 74% of the company’s revenue;
- hiring of IT specialists to develop Alior Bank S.A.’s systems – approx. 26% of the company’s
Corsham Sp. z o.o.
Corsham Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Warsaw is a company established in September 2018 and entered to the National Court Register on 22 October 2018. On 4 February 2019, Alior Bank S.A. acquired 100% of shares of Corsham Sp. z o.o.
In 2019, the Bank increased the share capital of the company by issuing new shares and paying them with in-kind contribution, being the shares of PayPo Sp. z o.o being a startup company which offers online shopping and a shopper protection programme. When shopping online, one can order a product and pay for it even up 30 days later, without any transactional costs and interest. The company has used its proprietary scoring system based on information collected in the web, without the need to provide such information by the customer. With PayPo, the customer can receive and check out the goods before payment. If the goods do not reach the user for any reason, he/she does not need to pay for it.
On 20 December 2019, Corsham Sp. z o.o. acceded to Autenti Sp. z o.o. which is a comprehensive platform to authorise documents and enter into contracts online, using all sIDAS e-signatures available: standard, advanced and qualified ones. The platform established by Autenti Sp. z o.o. can be applied in many industries, which supports the company’s aspiration to become a leader for electronic signature in Poland. So far, the company has attracted as key customers BNP Paribas, Vienna Life, Credit Agricole, PGE Lumi and Medicover. The company intends to strengthen its competitive advantage by developing its platform and
RBL_VC Sp. z o.o.
RBL_VC Sp. z o.o. was established on 23 October 2019.
The company is a target investment vehicle through which Alior Bank intends to conduct venture capital investments. The investments will involve taking up minority stakes at entities operating new solutions in the financial market and financial support services (fin-techs). Currently, it is under the KNF regulatory verification process, before entry to the register of Managers of Alternative Investment Companies (ZASI). Upon registration, it will take over the current role played by Corsham Sp. z o.o. in venture-capital investments.
Voices of recognition of our activity, as well as prizes and recognitions are things we are proud of. In 2019, we were awarded 20 times.Ten recognitions prized our products and customer service, and six applied to the way we conducted our business, four acknowledged our innovation and the technologies we have used.
Products and customer service
- First place in two categories: „Mobile Banking” and „Online Banking” in the ”Newsweek Friendly Bank” ranking. Second place of traditional banking and third place in „Mortgage Banking” category;
- Best quality of service of business customer, best quality of service at the outlet, and best call centre in the „Institution of Year 2018” sectoral ranking.
- Second place in the „Best Personal Account” category and third place in the „Best Credit Card” category in the „Golden Banker” poll held by editorial desks of Puls Biznesu and;
- Recognition from Puls Biznesu for Alior Bank’s brokerage account.

- First place in the „Company Friendly Bank” ranking held by Forbes, a prestigious business magazine;
- Best bank in corporate financing in the „Institution of the Year 2019” ranking;
- Award from the Management Board of Warsaw Stock Exchange. The Bank as a benchmark domestic institution that has signed comprehensive contract for the application of WIBID/WIBOR reference rates.,
- Brokerage House of Alior Bank with the highest note in ranking of the Puls Biznesu daily specialised in business, economic and stock market topics
- Alior Bank’s initiatives recognised in the annual Report of the Forum Odpowiedzialnego Biznesu „Corporate Responsibility in Poland: Best Practice”. The report describes such Bank’s activities as Christmas initiatives „Paka dla zwierzaka, „Zaczytana Akademia” and „Podziel się książką”;
- Second place in XXVII edition of the Best Bank 2019 competition of Gazeta Bankowa in the Big Commercial Bank category;
Innovation and technology
- „Smartphonisation” project with first place in the „Employees experience” category in the „Customer Insights and Growth Banking” competition held by EFMA-ACCENTURE;
- Alior Bank’s R&D Division with the „Top Institutional Innovator of the Year” title awarded by CEE Capital Markets X-Tech Awards;
- RBL_Innovation by Alior Bank among 25 best innovation labs in the world of finance according to Global Finance magazine. The list was published as part of The Innovators 2019 competition;
- Award for „Innovation Bank” by Efma-Accenture for 2019 for the Smartphonisation project;
- „Product Innovation of the Year” title awarded by Retail Banker International.
- zwycięzcą kategorii „Nowy Cyfrowy Biznes” w konkursie The Heart Corporate Innovation Awards 2018,
- z tytułem „Product Innovation of the Year” przyznanym w ramach konkursu Retail Banker.

Brokerage House of Alior Bank is the best according to „Puls Biznesu” magazine
Attractive offering, modern mobile app (Alior Giełda) and 24-hours a day call service – all this made Alior Bank’s brokerage account distinguished by experts of the Puls Biznesu daily, and our Brokerage House received the highest note in the ranking of the daily specialised in business, economy and stock market topics.
As many as 16 brokerages were compared on the list reviewed by Puls Biznesu. Like in the prior year, Alior Bank’s Brokerage House took the first place, overtaking other brokerages on the podium by more than 30 percentage points.
„Institution of the Year” title for Alior Bank
Alior Bank was awarded as many as four statuettes in this industry ranking, and received the „Institution of the Year 2018” title. It was distinguished as the best bank in corporate financing, it was also acknowledged for the best quality of service of business customers, best quality of service at the outlet, and the best Call Centre.
„Institution of the Year” is an independent ranking held by, an industry portal. It distinguishes only the companies which are customer-focused and provide the customer with the friendliest solutions. In 2018, the ranking in the „Best quality of service at the outlet” and the „Best quality of service in remote channels” categories covered four examination waves which allowed them to identify the winners by March of the following year. For Alior Bank, this examination ended with exceptional success and a place on the podium.
Recognition for Alior Bank from the Forum Odpowiedzialnego Biznesu
Alior Bank’s initiatives were recognised in the annual Report of the Forum Odpowiedzialnego Biznesu „Corporate Responsibility in Poland: Best Practice”. It is the only such publication which juxtaposes best practices of Polish companies in Corporate Social Responsibility.
FOB mentioned Alior Bank activities in the context of social involvement and development of local communities. The report describes such Bank’s activities as Christmas initiatives „Paka dla zwierzaka”, „Zaczytana Akademia” and „Podziel się książką”.