General Meeting of the Bank
Rules of operation of the General Meeting.
The activities of the General Meeting, its principal rights, the rights of shareholders, and how these rights are exercised are defined in: Rules of Procedure adopted by the resolution of the Annual General Meeting on 19 June 2013, as amended by resolution 29/2017 of the Annual General Meeting of the Bank of 29 June 2017, Articles of the Bank, and the applicable legislation, including the Code of Commercial Partnerships and Companies, and the Banking Law.
General Meeting of the bank is convened by a notice on the Bank’s website and in a way defined for the communication of current information as per mandatory legislation. The notice should be given at least 26 days in advance of the date of the General Meeting. Since the date of convening the General Meeting, the Bank posts on its website general-meetings.html information required by provisions of the Code of Commercial Partnerships and Companies.
Only the Bank’s shareholders registered as such 16 days prior to the General Meeting (registration date) are eligible to participate in the General Meeting of the Bank.
Shareholder(s) representing at least one-twentieth of the share capital may request that certain business be put on the agenda of the next General Meeting and submit draft resolutions on the business put on the agenda.
General Meetings of the Bank in 2019
In 2019, one General Meeting of the Bank was held. In addition to housekeeping resolutions, the Annual General Meeting of the Bank held on 28 June 2019 adopted resolutions on matters related to the closing of the financial year 2018, concerning:
- approval of the Bank’s Supervisory Board report,
- approval of the financial statements of the Bank and of the Bank’s Group,
- approval of the Bank’s Group Management Board Report, including the Bank Management Board Report,
- examination of Management Board report on representation expenses as well as on legal services, marketing services, public relations and social communication services and management consultancy services spending for 2018,
- distribution of profit,
- discharge of all Members of the Management Board and Supervisory Board of the Bank.
In addition, the General Meeting of the Bank adopted resolutions on:
- amendments to the Articles of Alior Bank Spółka Akcyjna,
- amendment of Resolution 5/2017 of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Alior Bank Spółka Akcyjna of 5 December 2017 laying down the rules of pay of Members of the Supervisory Board of Alior Bank Spółka Akcyjna,
- amendment of Resolution 6/2017 of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Alior Bank Spółka Akcyjna of 5 December 2017 laying down the rules of pay of Members of the Management Board of Alior Bank Spółka Akcyjna.
Amendments to the Articles
Under Article 415 of the “Code of Commercial Partnerships and Companies” Act of 15 September 2000 (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 2217) an amendment to the Articles of Alior Bank S.A. requires the Bank’s General Meeting to adopt a special resolution by qualified majority of three-fourths of the votes, obtain the approval of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority and registration of the adopted amendment in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register.
On 14 January 2019, amendments to the Articles of Alior Bank S.A. were registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register, concerning:
- organisation of the Supervisory Board (§ 20(2) and (3) of the Articles);
- duty of the Supervisory Board to approve the Pay Policy and to supervise its delivery and operation (§ 23(2)(28) of the Articles);
- risk management system and internal control system (§ 31(5), § 31a and § 32 of the Articles);
- own funds of Alior Bank S.A. (§ 34, § 35, § 38, § 40(1)(3) of the Articles), adopted by resolution 3/2018 of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Bank of 26 November 2018.
On 1 August 2019, amendments to the Articles of Alior Bank S.A. were entered to the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register, consisting in adding Bank’s new objects, being activities of the provision of services of initiation of payment transactions from the user’s payment account kept by another provider, and the service of access to information on payment accounts of the user kept by another provider or providers (§ 7(2)(17)-(18) of the Articles of Alior Bank S.A., adopted by resolution 35/2019 of the Annual General Meeting of 28 June 2019.
On 18 October 2019, amendments to the Articles of Alior Bank S.A. were registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register, concerning::
- requirements mentioned in Article 19(1)-(3) and (5) of the Act on the rules of management of State-owned assets with regard to Members of the Supervisory Board (§ 18(5)-(7) of the Articles),
- duty of the Supervisory Board to examine a report on best practice mentioned in Article 7(3) of the Act on the rules of management of State-owned assets (§ 23(2)(3b) of the Articles),
- duty of the Management Board to prepare and submit to the Supervisory Board a report on best practice mentioned in Article 7(3) of the Act on the rules of management of Stateowned assets (§ 26(1b) of the Articles).
Adopted by resolutions 33/2019 and 34/2019 of the Annual General Meeting of the Bank of 28 June 2019.
Alior Bank S.A. obtained the approval from the Polish Financial Supervision Authority for all of the above-mentioned amendments.
Supervisory Board of the Bank
Composition of the Supervisory Board as at 31/12/2019 | |
Tomasz Kulik | Chairman of the Supervisory Board |
Marcin Eckert | Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board |
Dariusz Gątarek | Member of the Supervisory Board |
Mikołaj Handschke | Member of the Supervisory Board |
Artur Kucharski | Member of the Supervisory Board |
Wojciech Myślecki | Member of the Supervisory Board |
Maciej Rapkiewicz | Member of the Supervisory Board |
Composition of the Supervisory Board as at 31/12/2018 | |
Tomasz Kulik | Chairman of the Supervisory Board |
Małgorzata Iwanicz-Drozdowska | Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board |
Marcin Eckert | Member of the Supervisory Board |
Dariusz Gątarek | Member of the Supervisory Board |
Mikołaj Handschke | Member of the Supervisory Board |
Artur Kucharski | Member of the Supervisory Board |
Wojciech Myślecki | Member of the Supervisory Board |
Maciej Rapkiewicz | Member of the Supervisory Board |
The following changes in the composition of the Supervisory Board of the Bank took place in the reporting period:
- On 31 January 2019, Ms Małgorzata Iwanicz-Drozdowska resigned as Member of the Supervisory Board of the Bank,
- 27 lutego 2019 r. Pan Marcin Eckert został wybrany na Zastępcę Przewodniczącego Rady Nadzorczej Alior Bank S.A.
Members of the Supervisory Board are not engaged in any competitive activity towards the Bank and do not participate in competitive partnerships as their members.
Information on how Members of the Supervisory Board of the Bank comply with the requirements provided for in Article 22aa of the Banking Law is available on the Bank’s website:
The Supervisory Board of the Bank operates in particular under the “Banking Law” Act of 29 August 1997, “Code of Commercial Partnerships and Companies” Act of 15 September 2000, as well as the Articles, and Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board of the Bank, whose content is available on the company’s website. The Supervisory Board exercises continuous oversight of the Bank’s activities in all its aspects.
In accordance with the Articles, responsibilities of the Supervisory Board, in addition to other rights and responsibilities provided for by mandatory legislation, include, among others:
- providing an opinion on the report of the Management Board on representation expenses as well as legal services, marketing services, public relations and social communication services and management consultancy services spending;
- assessing periodic information on internal control;
- examining the report on best practice mentioned in Article 7(3) of the Act on the rules of management of State-owned assets;
- applying to the Polish Financial Supervision Authority for acceptance of the appointment of two members of the Management Board of the Bank, including the President of the Management Board;
- adopting the Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board and approving the Rules of Procedure of the Management Board established by the Management Board of the Bank,
- determining the pay of Members of the Management Board employed under the Labour-Code contract or other contract;
- representing the Bank on any matters between members of the Management Board and the Bank;
- suspending the activity, for major reasons, of particular or all members of the Management Board of the Bank;
- providing opinions on requests of the Management Board for the establishment and for the Bank’s accession as member or shareholder to companies and to dispose of shares where such investments are long-term and strategic;
- providing opinions on multi-annual Bank development programmes and Bank’s annual financial plans;
- resolving, at the request of the Management Board, on rules and regulations for the establishment and use of the funds provided for in the Bank’s Articles;
- approving requests of the Management Board of the Bank for acquisition, charge or disposal of real property or interest in real property, or perpetual usufruct, if its value is more than PLN 5,000,000. In other cases, the decision is taken by the Management Board of the Bank without the need to obtain the authorisation from the Supervisory Board, subject to the matters decided by the General Meeting under § 17a of the Bank’s Articles;
- approving the requests of the Bank’s Management Board for incurring a commitment or disposal of assets whose value with regard to a single entity exceeds 5% of the Bank’s own funds;
- exercising oversight of the introduction and monitoring of the management system in the Bank, including, in particular, overseeing the compliance risk management, and carrying out, at least once a year, the assessment of adequacy and effectiveness of that system;
- approving the rules of conducting internal control and procedures related to the estimation of internal capital, capital management, and capital planning;
- approving the Bank’s business strategy, and the rules of prudent and stable management of the Bank;
- accepting the overall level of risk taken by the Bank;
- approving the Organisational Rules of the Bank and the overall organisational structure of the Bank established by the Management Board of the Bank, adapted to the size and profile of risks taken;
- approving the assumptions of the Bank’s policy for compliance risk;
- approving the Bank’s information policy;
- selecting the independent auditor;
- approving the pay policy developed by the Management Board and overseeing its introduction and operation.
The following requires the approval of the Supervisory Board:
- entering into a contract for legal services, marketing services, public relations and social communication services and management consultancy services, if the amount of overall compensation for the services provided exceeds PLN 500,000 pre-VAT, per annum,
- amending a contract for legal services, marketing services, public relations and social communication services and management consultancy services if it increases the compensation above the amount mentioned in Paragraph 1,
- entering into a contract for legal services, marketing services, public relations and social communication services and management consultancy services for which the maximum compensation amount is not provided,
- entering into contract for:
- donation or other contract with a similar effect, with the value exceeding PLN 20,000 or 0.1% of total assets within the meaning of the Accounting Act of 29 September 1994 determined based on the last approved financial statements,
- waiver of debt or other contract with a similar effect, with the value exceeding PLN 50,000 or 0.1% of total assets within the meaning of the Accounting Act of 29 September 1994 determined based on the last approved financial statements.
In addition, under Resolution 4/2018 of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Alior Bank Spółka Akcyjna of 26 November 2018, disposal of and acquisition by the Bank of financial assets included in fixed assets, and taking up, acquiring and disposing of shares in connection with the Bank’s operations mentioned in § 1 and § 2 of that Resolution, requires an approval of the Supervisory Board of the Bank.
The Supervisory Board appoints from among its Members the Audit Committee, Risk Committee and other committees required by law, it may also appoint standing or ad hoc committees to perform specific activities
Committees of the Supervisory Board
Audit Committee
Composition of the Committee as at 31/12/2019 | |
Artur Kucharski | Chairman of the Committee |
Marcin Eckert | Member of the Committee |
Wojciech Myślecki | Member of the Committee |
Composition of the Committee as at 31/12/2018 | |
Małgorzata Iwanicz-Drozdowska | Chairwoman of the Committee |
Artur Kucharski | Member of the Committee |
Marcin Eckert | Member of the Committee |
Wojciech Myślecki | Member of the Committee |
On 31 January 2019, Professor Małgorzata Iwanicz-Drozdowska submitted a notice of her resignation as Member of the Supervisory Board with immediate effect.
In connection with this resignation, the Supervisory Board appointed on 27 February 2019 Mr Artur Kucharski the Chairman of the Audit Committee.
The individuals meeting the independence criteria in accordance with the submitted statements are:
- Mr Artur Kucharski and
- Mr Wojciech Myślecki.
The person having the knowledge and skills in the area of accounting or auditing of financial statements is Mr Artur Kucharski. Mr Artur Kucharski gained his knowledge and skills when he worked as a financial auditor at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC). Mr Artur Kucharski graduated from a training course held by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).
The persons who have the knowledge and skills in the sector in which the Bank operates are:
- Pan Wojciech Myślecki and
- Pan Marcin Eckert.
Mr Wojciech Myślecki’s expertise of the sector in which the company operates is demonstrated by his long-term professional experience in the financial market, in particular in Bank Zachodni WBK SA and at the Supervisory Board of Generali PTE. Mr Wojciech Myślecki is author of several dozens of academic and research papers on communications, digital processing of signals, as well as the synthesis, analysis and recognition of speech signals, and author or co-author of several dozens of reports, publications and papers on economic transformation and educational systems, the market for power, and the operation of the Polish and European electric power system. He combines his research and teaching work with holding executive and supervisory functions in commercial companies.
Mr Marcin Eckert’s expertise of the sector in which the company operates is demonstrated by his long term professional experience in the financial market related to the functions he holds at PZU Group and in legal and consulting firms (Bird & Bird Szepietowski i wspólnicy, TGC Corporate Lawyers Warszawa, Mazars & Guerard Audyt Sp. z o.o., Ernst & Young Sp. z o.o.). As a legal adviser, he specialises in commercial law, taxation law, labour law, and the principles of pay and incentive programmes.
Activities of the Audit Committee
Under the Rules of the Audit Committee adopted by resolution of the Supervisory Board of the Bank, the Committee provides advice and opinions to the Supervisory Board.
In the reporting period, 14 meetings of the Audit Committee were held, which discussed topics such as: financial reporting process, internal control system, risk management systems, internal audit, performing the activities of financial audit. The Audit Committee was kept informed on material topics concerning accounting and financial reporting, controlled and monitored the independence of the statutory auditor and the entity authorised to audit financial statements. As regards monitoring of the effectiveness of the internal control system and risk management systems as well as internal audit, the Audit Committee was receiving reports from the Audit Department, including information on the results of the conducted audits, progress in the implementation of recommendations, reports on the execution of the control plan, including the report on the activities of the Audit Department as well as adequacy and effectiveness of the internal control system and risk management system. Based on reports of the Regulatory Compliance Department, he monitored the compliance risk management system and the control function.
Nomination and Pay Committee
The Nomination and Pay Committee was established by resolution of the Supervisory Board of the Bank on 7 December 2011.
Committee’s responsibilities:
- providing opinions on the Pay Policy in order to ensure compliance of the terms and conditions of pay with regulations, in particular with the Regulation of the Minister of Development and Finance of 6 March 2017 on risk management system and internal control system, pay policy and detailed method of estimating internal capital at banks, in accordance with the principles of stable and prudent management of risk, capital and liquidity, as well as with special consideration of long-term interests of the Bank and interests of its shareholders,
- providing opinions on the classification of jobs, which is governed by the pay policy with regard to individuals having material impact on the risk profile of the Bank (MRT), providing opinions on annual objectives; providing opinions and monitoring variable pay of the MRT,
- preparing opinions, assessments or recommendations on candidates to the Management Board of the Bank, on entering into, amending or termination of contracts with members of the Management Board, on matters of structure, size, and effectiveness of the Management Board as a body, and the expertise, skills and experience of particular members of the Management Board,
- preparing opinions, assessments or recommendations on other personnel matters for which the Supervisory Board or the Committee are competent as per the applicable in-house regulations and mandatory legislation.
Composition of the Committee as at 31/12/2019 | |
Tomasz Kulik | Chairman of the Committee |
Mikołaj Handschke | Member of the Committee |
Maciej Rapkiewicz | Member of the Committee |
Marcin Eckert | Member of the Committee |
Composition of the Committee as at 31/12/2018 | |
Tomasz Kulik | Chairman of the Committee |
Mikołaj Handschke | Member of the Committee |
Maciej Rapkiewicz | Member of the Committee |
Marcin Eckert | Member of the Committee |
There has been no change in the composition of the Nomination and Pay Committee in the reporting period.
Activity of the Nomination and Pay Committee
In 2019, the Nomination and Pay Committee held 16 meetings which, among other things, evaluated the Management Board as a body, provided opinions on the Pay Policy, classification of positions subject to the Pay Policy for individuals having major effect on the Bank’s risk profile, and conducted current updates for MRT identification during the year, provided opinions on the objectives of those individuals for 2019 and the topics related to the variable component of the pay of those individuals.
Risk Committee
Skład Komitetu na dzień 31.12.2019 r. | |
Dariusz Gątarek | Chairman of the Committee |
Artur Kucharski | Member of the Committee |
Maciej Rapkiewicz | Member of the Committee |
Marcin Eckert | Member of the Committee |
Skład Komitetu na dzień 31.12.2018 r. | |
Dariusz Gątarek | Chairman of the Committee |
Małgorzata Iwanicz-Drozdowska | Member of the Committee |
Maciej Rapkiewicz | Member of the Committee |
In the reporting period there was a change to the personal composition of the Risk Committee of the Supervisory Board of Alior Bank S.A. In connection with resignation of Ms Małgorzata Iwanicz-Drozdowska from membership of the Supervisory Board of the Bank, the Supervisory Board appointed Mr Marcin Eckert, as of 31 January 2019, and Mr Artur Kucharski, as of 27 February 2019 to the Risk Committee.
Activities of the Risk Committee
The Supervisory Board’s Risk Committee was established on 22 December 2015 by Supervisory Board Resolution 81/2015 to support the Supervisory Board in the supervision of the risk management process at the Bank.
Over the reporting period, the Risk Committee held 11 meetings. As part of current supervision of the risk management area and capital adequacy, the Committee was receiving reports and analyses presenting the situation of the Bank and of its major subsidiaries. The Committee was also consulted for key regulatory projects in this regard.
At its meetings, the Supervisory Board’s Risk Committee discussed key topics related to the risk management process, in particular concerning: target risk appetite in banking activity, capital position, quality of the credit portfolio and the largest exposures. The committee was receiving, overseeing and commenting on current results from the areas of credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk, operational risk, model risk, as well as the status of implementation of key improvements and optimisation projects. The Committee also examined the mortgage-backed portfolio (Recommendation S) and retail exposures (Recommendation T).
Management Board of the Bank
Composition of the Management Board of the Bank as at 31/12/2019 | |
Krzysztof Bachta
Management Board ![]() |
Areas of responsibility: HR, marketing, communication and PR, internal audit, Compliance, providing support to the Company’s authorities, investor relations, strategy. Current operation of the procedures for reporting non-compliance with the law, the procedures applicable at the Bank, and rules of business ethics. |
Tomasz Biłous
Wiceprezes Zarządu ![]() |
Areas of responsibility: Subject areas: finance, including management accounting, reporting and accounting policy, taxes, internal accounting and data centre. |
Marcin Jaszczuk
Wiceprezes Zarządu ![]() |
Areas of responsibility: innovation, FinTech, strategic partnerships, oversight of subsidiaries and activities in other countries, mergers and acquisitions. |
Seweryn Kowalczyk
Wiceprezes Zarządu ![]() |
Areas of responsibility: security, legal services, and protection of personal data. |
Mateusz Poznański
Wiceprezes Zarządu ![]() |
Areas of responsibility: retail customer products and sales (Consumers and Microenterprises). |
Agata Strzelecka
Wiceprezes Zarządu ![]() |
Areas of responsibility: IT, operational support and cybersecurity. |
Marek Szcześniak
Wiceprezes Zarządu ![]() |
Areas of responsibility: risk area, including: credit risk, capital management, operational risk, market risk, and model risk. |
Dariusz Szwed
Wiceprezes Zarządu ![]() |
Areas of responsibility: business customer products and sales, Treasury activity, Private Banking and brokerage). |
Composition of the Management Board of the Bank as at 31/12/2018 | |
Krzysztof Bachta
Vice-President of the Management Board |
Areas of responsibility: HR, marketing and PR, internal audit, Compliance, providing support to the Company’s authorities, investor relations, strategy. Current operation of the procedures for reporting non-compliance with the law, the procedures applicable at the Bank, and rules of business ethics. |
Filip Gorczyca
Wiceprezes Zarządu |
Areas of responsibility: Controlling Division, organisational units of the Bank’s Headquarters responsible for: data, accounting, taxation and reporting. |
Marcin Jaszczuk
Wiceprezes Zarządu |
Areas of responsibility: Corporate Development division, i.e., innovation, strategy and FinTechs, T-Mobile Usługi Bankowe Branch, oversight of subsidiaries and activities in other countries |
Seweryn Kowalczyk
Wiceprezes Zarządu |
Areas of responsibility: security and legal services |
Mateusz Poznański
Wiceprezes Zarządu |
Areas of responsibility: Consumer Sales Division, KI products, brokerage, external networks, consumer finance, and consumer relations. |
Agata Strzelecka
Wiceprezes Zarządu |
Areas of responsibility: IT Division, cybersecurity, digital banking, logistics, purchasing, settlements and operational support |
Marek Szcześniak
Wiceprezes Zarządu |
By the time the KNF approved the nomination of the Member of the Management Board overseeing the management of major risks for the Bank’s activities (26/02/2019), the entire Management Board of the Bank had been provisionally responsible for the risk area |
Maciej Surdyk
Wiceprezes Zarządu |
Areas of responsibility: business customer products and sales, Treasury activity, AGRO business, EU funds and public programmes, and business customer relations. |
The following changes to the composition of the Management Board of the Bank took place in the reporting period:
- On 26 February 2019, the Polish Financial Supervision Authority has unanimously approved the appointment of Mr Krzysztof Bachta as President of the Management Board of Alior Bank S.A., and on 27 February 2019, the Supervisory Board of the Bank resolved to appoint Mr Krzysztof Bachta, the existing Vice-President of the Management Board, as President of the Management Board of Alior Bank S.A.,
- In 26 February 2019, the Polish Financial Supervision Authority also approved the nomination of Mr Marek Szcześniak as Member of the Management Board of Alior Bank S.A. supervising the management of major risks in the Bank’s activity,
- On 1 July 2019, Mr Maciej Surdyk – Vice-President of the Management Board resigned as Member of the Management Board of Alior Bank S.A. with effect from 1 July 2019.
In addition, on 17 January 2020, Mr Mateusz Poznański resigned as Member of the Management Board with effect from 29 February 2020, which resulted in a new division of responsibilities between Members of the Management Board. The existing area of Retail Customers, including Consumers and Microenterprises reports to Vice-President, Mr Marcin Jaszczuk. Vice-President Tomasz Biłous is now responsible for oversight of subsidiaries and activities in other countries, and President Krzysztof Bachta is now responsible for the Customer Relations Department and M&A Department.
All Members of the Management Board of the Bank, including those who assumed the function of Vice-Presidents of the Management Board in 2019 are not engaged in any competitive activity towards the Bank and do not participate in competitive partnerships as their members, or as members of the authorities of companies, or other, competitive legal persons.
Information on how Members of the Management Board of the Bank comply with the requirements provided for in Article 22aa of the Banking Law is available on the Bank’s website:
Appointment and dismissal of senior management
Under Article 22a(1) of the “Banking Law” Act of 29 August 1997 (Journal of Laws 2019, item 2357), the Management Board of Alior Bank S.A. is composed of at least three Members appointed and dismissed by the Supervisory Board of Alior Bank S.A. Alior Bank S.A.’s Articles provide, in § 24(1) and (2) thereof, that Members of the Management Board are appointed for a common term of three years. Under Article 22b(1) of the “Banking Law” Act, the President of the Management Board and the Member of the Management Board overseeing the management of major risks in the Bank’s activity shall be appointed with the consent of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority. The consent is applied for by the Supervisory Board.
Members of the Management Board of Alior Bank S.A. shall be appointed pursuant to qualification procedure, the purpose of which is to verify and assess the competencies of the candidates, and to select the best candidate in accordance with the requirements of the “Banking Law” Act mentioned in Article 22aa of the “Banking Law” Act.
Under §25a of Alior Bank’s Articles, Members of the Management Board of Alior Bank S.A. shall also meet the requirements mentioned in Article 22 of the Act of 16 December 2016 on the rules of management of State-owned assets (Journal of Laws 2019, item 1302).
Under § 27(1) of Alior Bank S.A.’s Articles, the Management Board represents the Bank vis-á-vis third parties and deals with all matters not reserved by legislation or the Articles to other authorities of the Bank. In particular, the Management Board prepares Alior Bank S.A.’s development strategy and annual budgets.
The Management Board of Alior Bank S.A. acts pursuant to the Rules of Procedure of the Management Board of Alior Bank S.A. which defines the Management Board’s organisation of work and detailed responsibilities of the President of the Management Board. Under § 8(1) of the Rules of Procedure of Alior Bank S.A., the Management Board, by resolution:
- determines long-term activity plans and strategic goals of the Bank,
- determines short-term and long-term budgets of the Bank and monitors their execution;
- monitors the Bank’s management system, including the management reporting system used for current control of the Bank’s activity,
- accepts the rules, policies and regulations for the Bank’s activity, and, in particular, for prudent and stable management of the Bank, risk management, credit activity, investing activity, Bank’s management system, assets and liabilities management, accounting, Bank’s funds, personnel management and rules for conducting internal control,
- determines the amount of the bonus pool for the Bank’s employees, and its overall distribution;
- appoints commercial representatives of the Company,
- takes decisions as to the issuing by the Bank of bonds, except for convertible bonds or bonds with pre-emptive rights;
- accepts the take-up, acquisition and disposal by the Bank of shares of companies,
- takes decisions on assuming obligations, disposal of assets, charges and leases of assets whose combined value towards a single entity exceeds one-hundredth of the share capital of the Bank, subject to Article 8(2) of the Rules of Procedure of the Management Board,
- approves the investment plan and accepts each own investment of the Bank (acquisition or disposal of fixed assets or proprietary rights) in the amount exceeding one-hundredth of the share capital of the Bank, subject to Article 8(2) of the Rules of Procedure of the Management Board,
- accepts matters related to the organisation structure of the Bank’s Headquarters, including the establishment and liquidation of organisational units of the Bank and of organisational units of the Bank’s Headquarters,
- takes decisions on the establishment and liquidation of Bank’s branches,
- takes decisions as to payment to shareholders of dividend advances, upon acceptance of the Supervisory Board,
- accepts all documents presented to the Supervisory Board or to the General Meeting,
- examines other matters submitted for examination by the Supervisory Board, General Meeting, Members of the Management Board, organisational units of the Bank, or any committees or teams established under the Bank’s internal regulations,
- takes decisions on all other matters within the scope of activity of the Bank, if required by specific legislation or if such decisions can have major effect on the financial situation or reputation of the Bank,
- exercises corporate governance over the group companies.
Under § 3(3) of the Rules of Procedure of the Management Board of Alior Bank S.A., in all other matters each Member of the Management Board takes independent decisions concerning the Division reporting to him or her.
Under § 17(2)(5) and (7) of the Rules of Procedure of Alior Bank S.A., any increase or decrease of share capital, as well as redemption of shares and definition of detailed terms and conditions of such redemption require a resolution of the General Meeting.
By resolution 28/2012 of 19 October 2012 on conditional increase in share capital of the Bank and the issuance of subscription warrants, the General Meeting of Alior Bank S.A. vested to the Management Board of Alior Bank S.A. the right to:
- offer and issue subscription warrants to the participants of the Incentive Programme other than members of the Management Board of the Bank (for Members of the Management Board, these rights are vested in the Supervisory Board),
- register in the National Depository of Securities any newly issued shares and do anything related to their dematerialisation,
- take all necessary measures related to the admission and introduction to trading in the regulated market operated by Warsaw Stock Exchange of shares of new issues immediately after the issue.
The activities carried out by the Management Board for the purpose of issuance of shares under the Incentive Programme are described in detail in the Rules of the Incentive Programme approved by the Supervisory Board, subject to the provisions of the Articles of Alior Bank S.A. Based on a resolution, the Management Board may authorise standing committees or appropriate employees of the Bank to take decisions related to the assumptions of obligations or disposal of assets, as part of daily activities of the Bank, whose total amount towards a single entity does not exceed 5% of the Bank’s own funds.